A loading shovel feeds the IBA into a feed hopper, where the belt feeder then regulates the flow rate of material entering the plant.
A primary overband magnet recovers the large ferrous metals as it passes under it, these are then sold on for recycling and reuse.
A 23 metre long rotating Trommel is angled to process the material as it progresses through the drum. The -65mm material passes through the screens and continues to the aggregate processing plant while the larger material heads up to a picking station for alternative recycling. An operator recovers mixed oversize metals. The remaining materials discharged off the end of the conveyor are typically oversized brick and concrete which is sent for crushing and recycling.
A secondary overband magnet recovers the small ferrous metal which is also sold on for recycling and reuse in the UK.
A screen house then splits the material into three sizes: fine (0-5mm), medium (6-15mm) and large (16-65mm). These three grades of material are then passed over an eddy current separator to recover non-ferrous metals which are exported for recycling. Typical uses include aluminium cans.
Before arriving in the eddy current separation building, the ash passes over a magnetic head drums which recovers mainly AAA and AA batteries and small ferrous metals. These are also sent for recycling. The remaining material is clinker which is then blended back into the IBA Aggregate.
The different grades of material are then blended back together to form the fully processed Fortis IBA Aggregate. This is marketed and sold successfully across the construction industry.
The Energy Recovery Process: