A303 IBA Processing Facility recycles the IBA generated from Veolia’s three energy recovery facilities in Marchwood, Portsmouth and Chineham which treat the household waste on behalf of Hampshire County Council. A303 also processes the ash from the Government of Jersey’s La Collette Energy Recovery Facility.
Fortis has been processing Hampshire’s ash since 2007 and the Government of Jersey’s since 2017.
Fortis invested over £5m into the A303 Processing Facility and plant upgrades following its relocation from Ringwood to our A303 Enviropark.
The A303 IBA Processing Facility in Barton Stacey was constructed in 2014, following its relocation and a £5m investment into the facility and plant from Ringwood.
The site processes 125,000 tonnes of IBA each year into Fortistone IBA Aggregate for use as a sustainable alternative in the construction industry across the South.
Energy Recovery Facilities: Marchwood, Portsmouth and Chineham in Hampshire (Veolia Environmental Services Ltd) and La Collette ERF (Government of Jersey)
IBA Processing Volume: 125,000 tonnes per annum
A303 IBA Processing Facility
Fortis IBA Ltd
A303 Enviropark
Drayton Road
Barton Stacey
SO21 3QS
Site Contact:
Martyn Jones, Unit Manager